Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Visual Quiz

For class we were to watch CS5 Illustrator tutorials.  Then we were given a quiz for which we had to duplicate the image projected on the board by using the tools we've learned about.

Circle Exercise

Fo class we were supposed to use approx. 100 black circles to create a design.  I created a flamingo using smaller circles and larger white circles within larger black circles.

Video Summary

In the videos that we watched on Tuesday,  we were informed of some computer terminology in both Macs and PCs like folders.  The narrator explained how computers worked hard to store and file information in these folders that we set up.  We were shown by the narrator the different ways to set up folders and folders within folders on a mac computer. There are multiple different ways to view your folders or files.  The main views are; in a list, where you can view your files in a list and sort that list by many different aspects of a file such as name or date accessed.  Another way to view files is in a column form.  These columns sit side by side opening folders allowing you to view the path you have taken to get to the exact folder you are in.  The other view that he demonstrated was a list and slide combination.  in this option you see your contents in a list below scrolling icons so that you can see what your document looks like without opening it.  The view the narrator recommended the most was the option to view
files in a list.